In the latest edition of the #WinTogether CREW Spotlight, we spoke with Lisa Koshinskie from our Paxinos plant. Lisa has been a core member of the Novipax CREW for 35 years, and we appreciate everything she does for the Paxinos CREW!
We hope you enjoy getting to learn more about Lisa!

Where are you from?
“Coal Township, PA”
When and how did you join Novipax?
“My grandmother was best friends with the woman that had this job before me and when she was retiring, she called me in to interview and I have been here ever since.”
What is your job title?
What do your day-to-day responsibilities consist of?
“Purchasing, receiving, answering the phone, greeting those who come visit, sending out small packages.”
What is something unique that you have experienced at Novipax?
“The friendships. I’m still friends with people I met when I started working here and still deal with some of the same vendors.”
What is your favorite thing about working for Novipax?
“The people. I get along with everybody.”
What is your favorite activity in the Paxinos area?
“Knoebels Grove Amusement Park”
What is your favorite restaurant in the area?
“A local Italian restaurant called Ghezzi’s”
Who would you say has been the most influential person in your life thus far?
“My mom. She passed away a few years ago, but taught me how to work and put my full effort into my job.”
What is your favorite hobby?
“Spending time with my grandkids, reading, and crocheting.”
What is your favorite vacation spot?
“Lewes, Delaware”
What is the last book that you have read?
“My favorite author is Danielle Steele, so I like anything romance, but I haven’t read anything lately.”
What is your life mantra/motto?
“Just be kind, you never know what others are dealing with so I like to treat others how I’d like to be treated.”
Responses have been edited for length and clarity.